lunes, 21 de junio de 2010


Vowels are letters that are pronounced by forcing air over your vocal cords through your mouth. It is the shape of your mouth that decides which vowel sound comes out. There are many tape or video cassette lessons available from schools, libraries and stores which will help you with your pronunciation. You can also learn a lot by listening to the radio and watching television and films.

Information taken from the web page:


Consonant Sounds are produced by completely or partially stopping the breath. Consonant Sounds can be voiceless (VL, no vibration of the vocal cords) or voiced (VD, vibration of the vocal cords) and often come in sound pairs.

Information taken from the web page:


Here is a chart with all the English consonant and vowel sounds so you can practice them.

*Chart taken from the web page

Exercise - Odd word out - Phonetics

Read the following groups of words. Which word in each group has a different sound? - Fill in the blanks in the following exercise with them:

time - pattern - castle - spelt

- wears - does - loves - knocks

- stayed - looked - pulled - weighed

- look - good - blood - foot

- dead - mean - bread - head

- rented - landed - assisted - opened

- thought - around - sound - house

- York - born - Ford - Oxford

- lives - reads - writes - begs

- kissed - smiled - studied - agreed

- day - days - say - says

- agrees - makes - stops - cooks

- though - brought - ought - thought

- night - fifth - sight - climb

- museum - use - music - busy

- moon - food - foot - poodle

- jeans - steak - sea - weak

- studies - runs - wishes - goes

- played - helped - laughed - walked

- beard - dear - heard - hear

- lion - million - billion - millionaire

- personal - personality - reality - Italian

- fruit - suit - juice - built

- horse - history - story - cord

- arrived - lived - needed - joined

- asks - rubs - sails - rains

- wanted - depended - watched - waited

- country - young - youth - couple

- daughter - fault - cause - aunt

- chalk - wall - calm - talk

- heart - earth - heard - search

- marry - dance - hand - sat

- worry - horror - terror - mirror

- piece - ladies - niece - field

- half - have - has - ham

- oven - colour - son - gone

- hotel - hot - hotter - pot

- books - rose - same - kisses

- cheese - achieve - ache - beach

- soldier - drive - dry - sound

*Exercise taken from the web page

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

Hello guys! I leave you hear a video which was
downloaded from youtube, so you can watch
and hear the phonemes of American English
and practice these sounds!!

The sounds of English and the International Phonetic Alphabet

This chart contains all the sounds (phonemes) used in the English language. For each sound, it gives:

· The symbol from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), as used in phonetic transcriptions in modern dictionaries for English learners — that is, in A. C. Gimson's phonemic system with a few additional symbols.

The chart represents British and American phonemes with one symbol. One symbol can mean two different phonemes in American and British English.

· Two English words which use the sound. The underline shows where the sound is


^cup, luck
a :arm, father


cat, black
emet, bed


e:(r)turn, learn

ihit, sitting
i:see, heat
ohot, rock

o:call, four

uput, could
u:blue, food
aifive, eye
aunow, out
eisay, eight
ougo, home

oiboy, join
e..(r)where, air

i..(r)near, here

u..(r)pure, tourist

bbad, lab
ddid, lady

ffind, if

ggive, flag
hhow, hello
jyes, yellow
kcat, back
lleg, little
mman, lemon

nno, ten
Nsing, finger
ppet, map
rred, try
ssun, miss
Sshe, crash
ttea, getting

tScheck, church
ththink, both
THthis, mother
vvoice, five
wwet, window
zzoo, lazy
Zpleasure, vision
dZjust, large


This information was taken from: